What’s in a name?
Sometimes we like to say that Dynamic Global is less of a software company, and more of a software community. It is a collaborative vehicle that enables talented people to do an amazing thing – make their software ideas come to life.
Dynamic Global’s continuous mission is make it easier for its principals’ ideas to bear fruit. Not just by providing a structured vehicle with which they can collaborate, but also by providing cutting-edge tools for collaboration, efficiency, and rapid software development.
Perhaps the most exciting thing about the software industry is that it is constantly evolving. Keeping up with the trends can be daunting, but it is very worthwhile to do so.
At its core, Dynamic Global is “dynamic.” That means we adapt readily and quickly by continuously monitoring so-called “disruptors,” in both technology and business in general, accommodating changes as they come.
Of course, we do a little disrupting ourselves as well…
Our group is truly global. Even before “the cloud” became a prominent term, in our view, software always existed in the virtual world. So it’s appropriate that we think of the world as “flat,” to borrow a phrase. We have principals, contributors, and advisers from all over the globe: the U.S., Argentina, Australia, India, and Costa Rica, to name a few.
All things considered, Dynamic Global is really just about people. We are among the most talented, creative, and technically capable people in the industry.
Making dollars and sense
Most Dynamic Global ventures are for-profit.
Are the “open-sourcers” the only ones who can collaborate? We think not. And we don’t need a whole “crowd” to fund things either.
A fair but profitable software community is a robust one. That means less bugs, and better support. Accountability and reliability.
Keep focus tight, and quality under control – that’s the Dynamic Global way.